Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What brought about this state of affairs – re the Chief Justice?

It seems incredible that within two weeks of secrets and gossip, the motion to Impeach the CJ was presented to the Speaker. Was it in the offing for a long time, and the Govt. chose the moment to coincide with the Divi Neguma ruling, which they are not pleased about?

In either case there has been NO public discussion of possible wrongdoings. Further this sudden state of affairs catching everyone unawares, with a salacious anonymous letter as the only link of something in the air, does not bode well for transparency and good faith governance.

I am not commenting about the impeachment per se here. After all we have not been privy to the 14 reasons/allegations until yesterday, and we have to study and evaluate each and everyone in detail to garner if any have merit in law. On first reading it is apparent that Members of Parliament are engaged daily in far worse transgressions and not one has yet been brought to book.

To have the  Chief Justice held to a different standard all of a sudden, when ta prior Chief Justice, has had a hand in passing the most controversial and in hindsight, extraordinarily politicized and therefore incorrect decisions is claimed to be the ‘friend of the President’ boggles the  mind. Of course he is a friend of the President, as his ruling on the ‘helping Hambantota scandal’ is what has permitted the President to seek office. Otherwise as this Chief Justice claims he would never have been permitted to be President!!

The PSC appointed will act in a judicial capacity and one wonders what advice these appointed MPs will receive with regard to the Law, which they will interpret and rule upon. It is clear, this a flaw in the Constitution of Sri Lanka which permits uneducated legislators to stand in judgment on legal issues!! Let us hope sense prevails and the Opposition is given a majority in the PSC, as they will appoint some sensible MPs to look after the interests of Sri Lankan people from untoward and unnecessary action taken by a spiteful Government when it does not get its way in legislation it wants to steamroll.

There is no question the Govt. appears to revel in this distraction, as it permits them to get away with more murder cases, when the public and people are engaged in discussing this issue and more pressing daily issues get swept under the carpet, another modus operandi of the extremely media savvy administration bent on hiding its ills by this type of chicanery.

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