Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Another one bites the dust! – “An ode to a General”

You once gave us hope that there might be a face of opposition

You once gave people something to hang on to called sense

You once gave meaning to the word stand up for what is right

You once stood tall in the face of retribution, and revenge

You once held us all in awe of what might have been

It ended in you being unable to accept defeat gracefully

It ended in disappointment to you and to us

It ended in the crew deserting the sinking ship

It ended in your lieutenants leaving you with ripostes of incredulity

It ended in your last lieutenant questioning your loyalty 

So go gracefully into the sunset

So go to the US where you will be happy

So long for the good times and come back when ready

So enjoy the drives in the open planes and fresh air

So be with family, new beginnings and new ventures

We will fight the good fight in this Country

We will drive the rogues out and install Ranil

We will keep a place for you for old time’s sake
(We do not forget our friends even after they desert us)

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