Saturday, November 17, 2012

Defenders of the rogues have disappeared! – are we onto something?

When one reviews the public comments in articles in the papers and the internet, one usually found many defenders of the Government. Lately, I am hard-pressed to find any, and I find that somewhat disconcerting.

I like to read comments of people who defend the regime and its excesses, so that I can balance my stance, and look at what others are saying and the angle from whence they come. This enables me to hone in my opinions further and helps me iron out some prejudices from logical deductions.

On the one hand if the actions of the Government are now more and more indefensible, one assumes these people have simply vaporized into thin air, leaving the space open for those who wish to attack everything that is being done.

Then what about the silent people who say nothing? Are they in a state of no man’s land trying to work out what they are to do? Have they been betrayed by those they believed in? These questions can only be answered by these infamous sycophants who would not hear one word against the Govt.

It is time to increase the momentum of attack against the regime, to galvanize the support of like-minded people and remind them that they are not alone in this journey. The sooner we are able to put an end to this atrocity against the people of the country, the more grateful the public will be for saving them from tyranny. It is incumbent upon those who can to defend those who cannot. There are many who for just matters of survival cannot but watch idly by, until the moment when the momentum thus created gives them the courage of their convictions to join for the last push to end the misery.

The citizens have suffered just a bit too long from this state of lawlessness and break of every law in the book. It is time to get out, show our resistance and be able to stop the security forces in their tracks to save the people from the leaders whose orders they now take. Citizens unite join the struggle and take to the streets, and show a spontaneous show of strength which through sheer force of humanity can make the change that is so badly needed.

The time is now, not a moment to lose, just see the light at the end of the tunnel and follow that light through the dark tunnel. It will be worth it.

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