Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Government spokesman (Dallas) using inconsistencies of prior conduct to blast the opposition and hide their own failings

It is VITALLY important for an objective reader and thinker to understand the Government media strategy and disinformation led propaganda, to convince the general public of its snow white behavior, this time as it relates to the impeachment motion against the CJ.

It was CORRECT for the opposition to question the inconsistency of the CJ and her spouse in the capacity of Govt. yes men then, just as it is correct to question the use of an impeachment motion against her on spurious and unimpeachable grounds. There is NO inconsistency between those two stances as this Dallas thinks. It was WRONG of the Govt. to appoint the CJ under those conditions, and it was incumbent upon the Govt. to ask her husband to step down due to the conflict of interest. It was the Govt. in fact that allowed him, in fact pleaded with him to stay as they do not believe they are governed by the same standards lesser mortals are!!

Therefore it is mighty mischievous of the said ‘Dallas’ to make these allegations of double dealing or the opposition of trying to topple the Govt. It is within reasonable rights of the Opposition to defend the independence of the judiciary, which is enshrined in the Constitution, when it is threatened.

So instead of attacking the opposition, which is the standard modus operandi, which fools the unsuspecting public, they must justify the action in law, as sufficiently serious offences that warrant impeachment. After all the Govt. appointed her purely as a nodding donkey, and when the donkey decided it was time to stop nodding and hold her head firmly against the steamrolling of the public by an increasingly aggressive and autocratic govt. it was time to use the legal system to check the excess.

So be warned about the intentional media propaganda, designed to distract the intelligent reader from the real issues at hand, by picking different opposition stances in different time sequences, when all politicians and especially the Govt. is guilty of making the same, this time even on a daily basis, making two inconsistent statements on the same day on the same topic depending on who one speaks to. This spin doctoring of the media is regretful, as it is done deliberately to fool the reader, and the public of the measures taken to enforce autocratic rule disguised under the populist banner, using populist symbols and clever manipulation of the media. 

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