Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Prison Riot – why was it so badly handled?

The Governor of the Welikada Prison, I am told requested permanent Security Forces presence in providing security to the prison. What does that mean? I can only surmise.

So what do I surmise. The jailers are all in league, and it is simply called money. They see prisoners who have access to cash. They see them running their empires from inside, they are easily enticed with money to allow them mobile phone access and drugs, long considered part and parcel of prison life in Welikada, especially as the hardcore are convicted drug lords and murderers who have access to money!

No wonder then that the outcome of the raid that will net all the drugs and phones will be the jailors being questioned, fired or transferred. What did they do? They gave the keys to the Armory to the prisoners who helped themselves to all the arms and ammunition they could and brazenly displayed them for all to see.

Surely this whole plan would have been known to the STF who went to search. They are foolish if they could not work that out. So what then happens? There are some killed in shootouts that are legitimate and another 10 or so who are killed as contract killings under instructions from higher ups as they are from the wrong side. After all the Govt. stooges are also engaged in the drug trade, so their enemies on the inside who were causing trouble for them on the outside were simply bumped off in the guise of a prison riot. We will never get at the truth, and this is the modus operandi of every questionable incident where the Govt. is involved.

As to the 5 prisoners unaccounted for who are alleged to have escaped in the melee, I am just assuming it is just a number plucked out of thin air, to find some people and bump them off at the same time, as an escapee. When in fact they could be inside locked up in solitary! We just don’t know but we cannot be sure either as the formula consistently used by the state is one of deception and lies. The sooner we believe the stories put out for our consumption, the sooner we become suckers to a manipulated game of poker, for the ignorant public.

No it was not badly handled. It was right on cue carefully planned and executed in more senses of the word. Why only prisoners were killed!! If they were hardcore adn had guns and ammunition aplenty!!

1 comment:

  1. Well several military personnel were shot and badly injured. That's hard to fake.
