Friday, February 19, 2016

Contrasting cacophony on the right of the UNHRC stance in Sri Lanka

In the Interview published in last Sunday’s Observer, it was quite clear and unequivocal, that if Sri Lanka is part of the UN there are certain rights we surrender in order to be part of that club!

It is very clear therefore that those who accuse the UN of interference in Sri Lanka, they are doing it as a right, and no matter what BULL the Rajapakse’s use to insight divide and rule politics, they are well within their rights.

It is also quite apparent that in some instances, Justice has to be compromised for the purpose of Peace and Reconciliation, and we don’t have the Peace we want both due to the politics of the TNA and the Rajapakse’s being traitors to the UNITY of the nation.

It is therefore clear that with people who hold the opinion of Neville Laduwahetty in the Island today (18th February 2016) we will never grow up to balance both extremes and compromise our principles for the greater good of the Nation. 

Actually the problem lies not in the International Agencies, but in our internal politics that we are still struggling to formerly settle this dogmatic split which the people seem to have already put behind them, but a bunch of political jokers wish to keep alive PURELY FOR THEIR POLITICAL SURVIVAL and the irresponsible media HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO educate our public of the truth in this, and the harm this divided opinion has doe to the Country, and to its prestige, in not been able to clear the air once and for all and LET BYGONES BE BYGONES.

We should avoid the whole Diaspora pressure as “much ado about nothing” and come to a home-grown solution, so that we do not have foreign interference just due to local LEGAL POMPOSITY!

Laduwahetty’s tirade using copious references to the Constitution, can be summed up in one word, “IRRELEVANT” to the current argument. It is because we have such pompous arrogant ignoramuses, that this Country is still imposing miserable lives on simple ordinary people who don’t even understand what this argument these supposedly educated people are engaged in merely due to their better education level, and that’s all.

Time to a return to basics, first find out what happened to each missing person and close this chapter once and for all before we prosecute the criminals

1 comment:

  1. I have ignored this article by Dian Jayatilleke as he is seriously out to lunch with his personal prejudices coming in front of analytical thinking with the Country's interests foremost, not in his haste to score acinine points as only he seems to do in this space these days
