Wednesday, April 27, 2016

A mischievous President desperate for public adulation – resorts to Sirisenomics!

Enough of trying to sound gracious, first admit your failings and then there is a chance you will be believed

It was appalling that at a recent event the President took upon himself to say he will NOT burden the people with Taxes, and hinted that the UNP side of the National Govt. was trying to do this, whilst he will stop it!

He is nothing more than a political animal, a hostage to circumstance, with nothing else to say, so he makes a complete mockery of a statement whilst doing the opposite, putting a unacceptable burden on the public by taxing everything they consume, and pretending that it does not affect the majority.

In the last entry I explained the need for tightening our belts, as the Rajapakses have over borrowed, and now we have pay for their sins.

However this debt burden (AS ALWAYS) has fallen disproportionately on the poorer sections of the community and the wealthy have got off scot free!

The link above clearly explains the dilemma but does not allude to the real issue of the Govt. unwillingness to tax the Haves over the Have nots and with consumption taxes, it is always the have nots who are the WORST affected.

IT IS NO USE PUTTING FULL PAGE ADS saying that the debt burden is oppressive. We must find FIND those who lucked out on the Rajapakse Regime, as part of this Rs8trillion debt, as some of it is in the pockets of people who have NOT paid taxes on their part of this largesse.

IT IS THE DUTY OF THE GOVT OF THE DAY to carefully search out who benefitted, by how much, and then tax those earnings of those people, if the President is to be believed on his promise. Its all political HOT AIR if the President does not have a plan to collect at least 3trillion of this money from those who have pocketed it, and explain to the people that it is ONLY the balance that he has NO CHOICE but to seek from the general public by the increase in VAT burden to pay for the Rajapakse excess!

As I pointed out I the previous blog post, this Govt. is also complicit in increasing the deficit, due to their unaffordable promises knowingly made! 

The only answer is to clearly explain both the complicity, and the extent of each Govt. share of this burden, so people will be more likely to believe when MEA CULPAS are included in the real intention of the Govt. to do finally do something about our intolerable debt burden. Otherwise this will sound a LIE 

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