Thursday, January 16, 2014

We are still talking about Rehabilitation – It is time to Reconcile and move on


The fact that on January 15th 2014, the GOSL is by way of the MOD talking about sending a Northern Provincial Council Member, Ananthi Sasitharan back to a rehabilitation programme that over 10,000 former LTTE carders have undergone, says something about the state of our unity.
Apparently she was one of those who neither surrendered nor was arrested and slipped through the cracks and it is better late than never to have her undergo the process! I presume this was predicated by her telling Ambassador at large Rapp that the Govt. has yet to answer the HR abuse inflicted on the Tamils!

She is the wife of a senior LTTE official Sivakumar and it seems she is still in no mood to compromise, making many of the serious allegations against both the Govt. and the military presence in the North.  As a Sri Lankan citizen, elected and representing thousands of people in the North, she is entitled to say her piece and Rapp has a need to take heed. It is up to the GOSL to disprove what she says. After all it is not the job of the opposition to agree with the Govt. IN a recent news item UNP issued a very strict notice to the people of Sri Lanka on the assumed participation of the Govt. in attacking Churches in Sri Lanka.

That, is in my opinion NOT political grandstanding but a serious allegation on the credibility of the GOSL by the largest single party on the Island, on violations that are right there with the HR allegations and are at the heart of why the credibility of this Govt. is questioned.

I think what is at stake here is the continuing sense of insecurity created by the GOSL, (maybe for political gain at the expense of citizens) There are pontificating sycophantic Govt. journalists who say that just because Daya Master was rehabilitated, and was an unwilling recruit to the LTTE in the first place, that there is no real issue. They have got the plot completely wrong as there are citizens of Sri Lanka who because they DO NOT have a conduit to complain within Sri Lanka, as there is NO serious attempt at investigating claims, resort to any foreigner who comes along to explain their predicament. So Cameron, Obrhai or Rapp were subjected to the wailing of women with unresolved problems.

GOSL it is YOUR responsibility to resolve them, not some foreign jokers. Don’t go around telling the US how to treat AL Qaeda in Guantanamo, do your part in bringing closure to the real problems of Sri Lankans in Sri Lanka.
The problem is that GOSL include the freedoms of all Tamils in SL, when it is a problem of primarily solving the Northern Province issue first. It is no matter that most of the Colombo businesses are owned by Tamils or those of Indian origin, and that hundreds of thousands work in the South for their Tamil masters at their peril. They believe that this explanation is evidence of harmonious race relations. Then why is there NO serious Tamil Cabinet minister, when you discount the discredited Devananda. Even Rauff Hakeem representing the Muslim Party he leads is a senior Cabinet Minister of Justice.

Does the Govt. realize the chagrin when Rauff from a party other than Govt. main parties comes to Jaffna to open the Law Courts? So a Muslim is just as bad as a Sinhala in Tamil people’s eyes as they were also evicted by the racist LTTE from the Jaffna peninsula and are now seeking a return, now in numbers that are 5 times the evicted, due to their population growth whilst in exile.

The Parliamentary Select Committees are a waste of time, as they have lost credibility as not being serious and more attempts at stalling the peace process.

Whilst I do believe the TNA is also playing Hardball, that is more as a result of GOSL feeding them everything they want, by their behavior. A UNP Govt. would have solved this problem already without dividing the Country, but giving them just enough autonomy for them to develop their own lands as they see fit. It is the pride of a Northern Tamil to show the South what they are capable of. They have shown it in the South, but they want to show the world that their province can, given a level of autonomy have a GNP per capita of double that of the rest of the Island within 5 years. The fact that GOSL is interfering in preventing this process is what irks them, and sends them off to Netherlands to complain as their voices are NOT heard in our homeland!!!

I do not blame the West, the Diaspora or India for the current troubles as they are all definitely one man’s complete responsibility, which he could have resolved quite easily.  It is the Sinhala Buddhist fundamentalist electorate that has prevented him from so doing as he wished to pander to this voter base of his, that keeps him in power, and is able with that power to abuse it as he thinks fit. That is why the sycophantic press has been unable to uncouple themselves from this myth, and inform the electorate of the facts, as it is their duty, so the electorate can drop their unfounded prejudices and vote the bastards out, giving Sri Lanka a chance at a final reconciliation. I am afraid I personally do not believe that the Govt. of Mahinda Rajapakse has any desire to resolve it as once it does, they just don’t seem to be necessary for the future of Sri Lanka.               

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