I am at a loss for
words, that people who I believe are intelligent take the view that the cost
overruns of Norochcholai, Mattala, Hambantota Port, Katunayaka Expressway,
Southern Highway, and the completely unnecessary proposed Sampur Power station
using highly polluting coal, and now the Casino complex with very low taxes and
free licenses are all OK as it is infrastructure for the benefit of the people
of Sri Lanka.
The attitude is
that everyone over invoices and if there was another government it would be
worse, so it is just a huge cross the people of Sri Lanka have to bear and the
weight we have to carry as Sri Lankans.
In summary if you
want to be Sri Lankan and live in Sri Lanka, this is a price, where a bunch of
people and their friends will share the equivalent of US$50B in cost overruns
to spread amongst themselves, as the price of progress for this growth that
will (however it is divided) take us to the US$10,000 per capita GNP by 2025!!
These guys have
just set themselves up, and will not budge from that stand, and want to be in
the bunch who share the spoils, not in the bigger bunch who have to pay for
that, through sweat and toil be in Sri Lanka or overseas, by artificial low
exchange rates so the wealthy can buy imported luxury items at below value!!
Put simply a person
remitting money to SL will be paid say Rs1M for his riyals instead of Rs2M and the
person buying the car will pay Rs20M instead of Rs40M!
Of course we have sufficient
examples all over the world from Suhartos and Marcoses where leaders plundered the
wealth of their countries in this way. IS it really right that this happens openly,
and without any accountability as the Govt. has the power, of numbers and its backers
are looking for ways to benefit from this largesse, rather than in all conscience
stop this banditry against this Country.
The added problem is
that the Govt. is permitted to borrow from the Chinese at exorbitant interest rates
as a huge commission on the rates is paid to the fixers who share it amongst themselves,
and in the case of infrastructure loans has been estimated at over US$3B of commissions
that have just gone to a few people, and in the end the Country will have to pay
it interest and capital on that over many years. Is there to outcry, no patriots
left in Sri Lanka, and a poor populace blind!!
Is there NO way this can be clearly explained believed and acted upon to throw the bastards out. I cant beleive that knowing what is happening, we have still been unable to stop it. These are the criminals who should be hanged!!