Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Rulers hide their misdeeds by getting the people to demonstrate against UNHRC – Campaign in 150 places in the country ordered by the President

We forget that all of the problems Sri Lanka faces at the International Level have nothing to do with the people of Sri Lanka. The country is a quasi dictatorship. It is completely to do with the alleged misdeeds of the Leaders of the Country and that too is restricted to at most about 4 or 5 people. So the country is dragged into this mess due to the faults of a few, and the rest are assumed to be complicit only because they happened to make the mistake of putting them in power.

To be fair if the people are demonstrating spontaneously against any International pressure against their elected leader, I do not have a problem as they have the right to support their leader, when he or she is implicated, if they believe he or she is innocent. I however disagree when the leader calls a meeting at Temple Trees and orders his ministers to organize demonstrations in 150 places across the country against the resolutions brought against SL, whatever they might be. (The substance of the allegations is purely academic) In true SL politics, when you are ordered you do as you are told, and not question the rights and wrongs. Further those on the ground doing the agitation are told it is a patriotic thing to defend the country against foreign interference, without explaining what exactly it is about.

This confusion is part of the contrived mass media effort at misinformation. When the UNP leader calls for full implementation of the recommendations of the LLRC Commission he is branded a traitor. He is only doing the patriotic as Opp. Leader in holding the rulers accountable for their mistakes against the people of Sri Lanka. One must understand it is the patriotic thing to improve the quality of life of all in this land and not subject some to fear and intimidation of paramilitary types.

We know that the LLRC is a govt. appointed body with many of its nominees taking the side of the government, which resulted in many in the international arena questioning its credibility. Assuming it is then independent and NOT biased as most of the Pro Rajapakse side would contend, then at least when it made an interim recommendation, in the interests of urgency, before the final recommendations came out, against the proliferation of paramilitaries under government blessing, demanding they be removed the Govt. then as well as till now (over 8 months) has done NOTHING about it.

How can one have Douglas Devananda’s pro Govt. goons run about terrorizing people and then agitate against the UNHRC, who are merely pointing this out? This traitorous action against the people outside the law cannot be condoned.

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