Thursday, October 6, 2011


I have never bought an Apple product, but I have owned many an Apple product. I will one day soon buy an Apple product, when I can afford it.

I have admired the products Apple have come out with for both its ease of use and style as well as the usefulness for the work it was intended. The products became more stylish and more in tune and in keeping with the digital revolution we continue to enjoy. It has made many people happy with the products they have offered and continue to offer including the launch of the I phone 4s which was only launched a day before the death of Steve Jobs from a long battle with pancreatic cancer.

I thank God for giving the world a man of this vision, which enabled him to get his workforce to produce truly revolutionary products in keeping with the age, and even defining the age we live in as the i phone and i pad world or age. Apple was synonymous with Steve Jobs and his death yesterday brings to an end a truly incredible a journey that has given so many people so much pleasure in truly enjoying the use of his products.

I understand he believed in the Buddhist philosophy and therefore I wish for him that he attains a higher form of life from that which he left, as I am in no position to say if he has attained his ultimate heights of NIRVANA.

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