Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Count ourselves very fortunate in Sri Lanka - the Rest of the World has been gripped by heatwaves these past weeks

Sri Lankans tend to always look at the worst, or have pessimistic outlooks on life.

The past month has seen record breaking high temperatures throughout the world, but we in Sri Lanka have not experienced any extremes.


The link above is worth reading as it will bring to your attention how extreme some of the temperature has been.

Only if you live in a place and experience unusually high or unusually low temperatures will you understand how different life at that moment is.

In England roads have melted for the heat. Some people dare not go out of their houses and just imagine in many temperate countries they only have heaters and no airconditioners or fans, so people are really suffering the sweltering heat.

There has been no reference in the gutter press to the extreme heatwave the world is experiencing, and worse no indication to people in Sri Lanka that they truly live in Paradise, but where people still leave this country to move to countries experiencing such weather and temperature changes, only because the SYSTEM in Sri Lanka has pushed them out.

So what is this system I refer to?

A parochial society, where performance is not appreciated. Where the old school tie matters more than ability leading the best of the rest to leave Sri Lanka for pastures anew to give their all to the Country that welcomes them, being disgusted with the Country of their birth that effectively chased away some of our best citizens, as they don't recognize quality and true Human Resource Potential

It is only this resource that we lack in Sri Lanka, because we actually had them, but we chased the people away, so that idiots getting into positions of authority have stifled their upward mobility.

We must change this misconception, so we can give the truly talented a chance within Sri Lanka to display what they are capable of.

So literally we chase people from the frying pan to the fire in these extreme temperature countries because we are unable to give credit where it is due to good people, giving them the promotion needed or even at the beginning give them a living wage on which to build their lives and lay down their roots in Sri Lanka 

1 comment:

  1. I sincerely hope we understand how fortunate we are in Sri Lanka that not only heatwaves, floods and earthquakes are also not prevalent and any disasters are of our making and not of acts of god.

    So it is time for all who live in Sri Lanka to be thankful and work together to build this nation
