Thursday, February 22, 2018



It has been quite clear if one was privy to the Diplomatic Correspondence between London and the Foreign Ministry in Sri Lanka, that the HC in London had no support from Colombo to her requests, admonishing the quality of the Goons in our HC, who don’t have a clue what diplomacy is all about.

Diplomacy is a fine art that cannot be merely taught in School. You either have it or you don’t. It is NOT a sinecure that you send people there, you have to send people who have a purpose, to represent the interests of Sri Lanka in the UK, most especially with the UK government and Trade & Industry in order to attract investment and show the Country in good light vis a vis our record as being in compliance with all International Norms. All idiots know that except the mentally delinquent people of the FM in Sri Lanka.

So finally when the Defence Attache behaved undiplomatically and was hailed as a hero in the motherland, even I would resign my position when the President defended his conduct and put the whole face of Sri Lanka in diplomatic terms “in the GARBAGE” to pander to the local gallery who don’t understand what treachery really is. It backfired royally in the election anyway!

Thankfully the HC is a political appointment and she not a foreign service officer. The poor foreign secretary who made the recommendation to remove the defence attaché due to conduct unbecoming of a diplomat, (his credentials as a decorated soldier DO NOT COME IN TO THE ARGUMENT HERE) was shamed by a President acting like a GONA, as he again does not understand how our interests in foreign countries are protected, more by behavior and quiet diplomacy and less by crass shows of one-upmanship!

I feel really sorry for the hard working senior officers of the Foreign Service in Sri Lanka, who have to put up with GOONS employed in the HC in the UK and elsewhere, whose ONLY qualification for the job is a connection to some DUMB politician, and NO knowledge of how best to do their specific job.

Some idiots in the UK HC in London think they are there to serve the large SL Sinhala Community in the UK who are at daggers Drawn with the Tamil Diaspora. They could not be more wrong. They are worse than the Sinhala people in SL. There are 200+ associations because they are unable to be as one, with one agenda, speaking for the Country. They are speaking for their power bases and agendas, that DON’T and are NOT congruent with that of the Country. They are simply jokers who want the HC to waste her time pandering to their needs, even if it was by prior practice, which should NOT be the precedent for future conduct, in an ever changing and diplomatically ever more complex world, which the present HC was perfectly capable of handling.

You only have to go to the Foreign Ministry in Colombo to know the caliber of the staff there.(except the foreign service professionals) They have no clue on how to serve our foreign missions scattered throughout the world and our Ambassadors and High Commissioners SUFFER IN SILENCE because they have given their lives to the DIPLOMATIC SERVICE and cannot resign!

Frankly, only a women, like High Commissioner Amari Wijewardene, with a sense of responsibility and BALLS can take a decision like she did as other people will merely warm their chairs and take the Garden Parties at the Palace as of right. She went to London for a purpose of representing Sri Lanka in the Court of St James. If she did not have support from the Government back in Colombo to do her job to the best of her ability, then GO. It takes a lot of support from the HC staff, I should say competent staff, as the majority are incompetent, for her to do her job. There is NO ONE IN THE HC IN LONDON who can write a legible letter in English for starters.

Like wikeileaks, when we finally get the correspondence between Colombo and London about what she wanted to do in London and what idiotic advice she gets from Colombo, on what she should do, if you are halfway intelligent will wonder what donkeys litter the corridors of power in SL on matters of State.

I am simply not surprised that our HC resigned as HE did not give her the respect and encouragement she deserved to do this most difficult of jobs, in as diplomatic a way as possible. He is also found severely wanting in this respect.

No matter what the usually biased and warped Media in Sri Lanka reports, the fact is that the HC did a sterling job (pardon the pun) in London and could have been the best HC we ever had, if she really had the support of officers of State to back her, instead of BACK BITING HER!

This Country does not deserve a person of that caliber and Sri Lanka has YET AGAIN lost out on a chance to raise her profile in the all too important capital London where the doyen of all the world’s DIPLOMATS gather and we still do not understand how important it is to send good people there. Let us see the next goon that HE sends, a total waste of time, to fill this post, as now the President in his race to ruin everything he touches will ruin this as part of his imprint.


  1. I could not have put it better.

    You should go instead and kick ass! That will teach them a thing or two. Fire all the staff in the High Commission first, they are simply not cutting the muster.

  2. Soon after we get the news that the HC has tendered her resignation, we then get the news that the Defence Attache arrives in Colombo, after being recalled.


    Then we here the story that Ordnance from Jaffna is being smuggled by our own military that blew up in Diyatalawa. I hope the Gallery who supported Brigadier can now see the national disgrace this is all turning into, instead of showing poor sense of Nationalism we are all brainwashed into believing in.

  3. Just see how the Priyanka Fernando incident has now sparked rumor that the LTTE planted the grenade! How can you plant a grenade? You have to plant a time bomb to go off in Diyatalawa, so that is one fact that is clearly false. Then you have a statement, fact or fiction from the LTTE saying it is an act of revenge for Priyanka Fernando's action in London. If it is a real LTTE newsletter, then they are showing their power in words to fool the Sinhala people into believing they planted something they could never have. If it was planted misinformation by a sinhala group then they are stoking racism to rouse the Sinhala against Tamil.

    Which ever way you look at it, it all began with the Brigadier, who should now truly understand his action hurt Sri Lanka inside and outside. So he is a traitor, nothing less erasing his life time service record with one undiplomatic act! I hope people are wise enough to understand what diplomacy is now, and what a mess he has created

  4. To save face and hide the Foreign Ministry's own incompetence, a notice has been put out by the Foreign Ministry that the HC did not resign and is concluding her contract on her own volition! As I said the FOREIGN MINISTRY DOES NOT UNDERSTAND ENGLISH, it is another word for RESIGN!

  5. Love it

    SL is so good at shooting themselves in the foot, and continue to be the laughing stock of the world

  6. Sri Lanka's enemies are all home made, other countries enemies are foreign, there in lies the difference, welcome to Sri Lanka in 2018 High Commissioner

  7. I like the last comment. We need the tri forces to only to fight our own, how pathetic. We use the Army to kill our own insurgents or terrorists (our citizens) we use the Air Force to rein bombs on our own civilians caught in the cross fire and we use the Navy to prevent our own people from escaping to better climes, be it Italy or Australia. What a joke!

  8. Just get rid of the tri forces completely and release the 400,000 people to take up the vacancies in the Economy. Just build a new Coast Guard with the money saved, to buy a fleet of vessels to protect the Country from foreign fishermen and out territorial waters from miscreants, and we are then set up for an economic miracle.

    Only problem we don't have patriotic leadership to execute this plan, as all our so called patriots, citizens with this mentality are actually traitors in disguise. Priyanka showed that up too badly
