I reported earlier (I believe it was my
last Blog entry) about how ANY paddy land can be refilled for development at a
price, thanks to collective connivance of State Officials without conscience. Just look at the houses these people live in the private cars they have, the overseas travel they engage in, and Countries they retire in with their loot, having educated their children first with some of the loot, and then set them up with the money transfers to buy house and home, all part of the package. Heard about Australia as a safe haven for the ill gotten gains. So much for preventing Boat People, while accepting daylight robbers with open arms as they have money! Its all part of the sordid way in which all the heritage and resources of Sri Lanka are spirited away, by our very own people. Before blaming the ills of the world on the USA look inwards to our so called Public Servants, (not all but some, and a few bad apples can still despoil a whole nation.)
Well here is another story and from this and many more to follow, you can see
how Public Servants use their position to fleece the state and fill their own
pockets, and nothing gets done about it, as NO ONE wishes to get entangled by
disciplining and prosecuting state officials, as there is a honor among thieves
to protect their own, in much the same way as the Police always protect their
own, even when they know they have broken the law.
This leads to a state of endemic
corruption, in which Sri Lanka is DEEPLY MIRED in and even a good and honest
politician, even if there is EVEN one who is in this category, is prevented by
this WALL OF SHAME from penetrating this bastion of STATE CORRUPTION to get at
the nub of the problem that ails us, so it can be PUBLICIZED and urgent action
taken to correct ABUSE.
The supposed collective conscience of
the nation, the MEDIA is sadly COMPLICIT in this CRIME, and do not report it as
they are paid in ARRACK not to disclose what is staring them in the face, and
That is why we have to turn to Social
Media, with Fake News that has always been around in the mainstream media, due
to its acceptance as authentic, has resulted in the public being completely hoodwinked. The
beauty of Social Media such as this Blog is that we are aware of the Fake News
being an issue and so there is MORE thought going into the readership of Social
Media, who analyze what they read, even here in my blog, and by weighing he
pros and cons will determine whether it is more likely to be truth or not.
I have devoted this Blog primarily to
bring to my reader, information that they will NOT be privy to elsewhere,
anywhere for that matter, and certainly will not appear in any Newspaper or TV show
as they are meant to merely pursue the Owners’ Agenda and NOT produce factual
analysis for the reader to evaluate. In fact as far as I know this is the ONLY
Blog that primarily reports Sri Lankan situations, and conundrums and anti-PUBLIC
favor, and asks for nothing, just to think about the probable likelihood of
what is written here.
Prince Edward Windsor, the youngest son
of the Queen of England is here in Sri Lanka to represent the Queen in the 70th
Anniversary Celebrations of the Independence from Great Britain on 4th
February 1948. He is expected to be a visitor at the Minneriya National Park on
Monday, 5th of February 2018.
The Park has been awarded a contract of
Rs5M to resurface the roads within the park to fill all the holes and make the
drive around the park a pleasant one for visitors in their Jeeps. I don’t know
how the Prince is going to travel, be it in a Land Rover Discovery or a Range
Rover, the preferred mode of travel of British Royalty.
Instead of awarding this complete
contract to a company with strict conditions on what needs to be done, the
Head, has taken upon it himself to get the Jeep Owners Association to provide
two Tractor Trailers Free, for his use
to help in resurfacing the road. He then uses the employees of the National
Park, on their normal duty time, and without a break, say about 20 staff, or as
much as he can get, to collect the earth and then spread it all around the
needed areas, and then report that the job has been completed, and will request
that the amount passed be given to him in cash to pay for the work.
Of course in his log he will say how
many loads of earth had been transferred, how many man hours were used, how
many vehicles were hired for how many days in making his claim for Rs4M, to
show he was able to finish the job under budget and thereby saving the state
Rs1M and get brownie points as a wonder boy who should be promoted to even
higher levels in his Career.
Of course the Jeep Owners Association don’t
know of this scam, that he is actually being paid full rates for the use of
their tractor trailers, and neither do the unsuspecting staff, who HAVE TO
follow orders and do as they are told, no questions asked.
This is another example of how the State
is scammed, in this case for Rs4M and the public pay for it! Worse, it ends with
a shoddy job, half done, which will only last till the next torrential rains.
Knowing the park, and knowing the desperate need for a small permanent bridge
in a place that can prevent so much road erosion, that Rs4M would be far better
spent, but the Minister has not put that need on the front burner, just a boru
show pot hole fill up only!!